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VR Therapy Treatments

Virtual reality can be used for treatment of multiple conditions.


In all of our treatments and therapies, an experienced and qualified therapist will begin the headset set-up process, and then walk the client through the scenario, providing insight and therapy whilst the client immerses into the scenario. All VR therapy sessions are 1 hour and cost £100.


  • Eating Disorders

  • Acrophobia

  • Aerophobia

  • Agoraphobia

  • Amaxophobia

  • Bullying

  • Claustrophobia

  • Exam-related Anxiety

  • Generalized Anxiety

  • Glossophobia

  • Mindfulness

  • Nyctophobia

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • PTSD

  • Relaxation

  • Social Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Trypanophobia

  • Zoophobia

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Eating Disorders

Our VR technology provides two virtual environments aimed at improving body image distortion and food exposure.

We will use the VR headset to focus on identifying and working on serious conditions that are related to eating behaviours that negatively affect health.


Eating disorders that can be treated are anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphia, obesity and more.

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Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)

Acrophobia is a fear of heights, which is one of the most common phobias in the world. Scenes with buildings, elevators, cliffs and other real scenes allow gradual exposure, and an adjustable height and proximity to the edge, to overcome the fear of heights and the anxiety generated by the avoidance behaviour of the dreaded situation.

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Aerophobia (Fear of Flying)

An immersive experience of flying, from the moment one leaves home, enroute to the airport, waiting at the boarding gate, and finally taking the flight.

It allows you to carry out as many flights as necessary so the patient gets used to the anxiety they experience when seeing the environment. At the same time, exposure to all situations that can cause fear will be able to be repeated. It will start at the patient’s house, then on the way to the airport and it will end inside the airplane.

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Agoraphobia (Fear of unfamiliar environments)

Virtual environments to work on the fear of being in places or situations where it could be difficult or embarrassing to leave, or places where there might not be enough help if they suffer a panic attack or similar symptoms.

360 scenes are created in places such as the town square, metro, a busy market and more.

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Amaxophobia (Fear of Driving)

Scenarios to allow the patient to face two driving situations: a road on the highway and a city, along with variables such as sections of curves, tunnels, traffic lights, and traffic.

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Disorders generated by school harassment can be treated, along with how the client deals with situations in which bullying is present. A useful tool to conduct evaluation and intervention sessions in relation to bullying cases.

The scene environment simulates an institute and where different types of aggressions are carried out: verbal, physical and indirect. When this event is activated, one of these three reactions can be generated: boo, laughter or whispering. Designed for students between 13 and 18 years old.

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Claustrophobia (Fear of confined spaces)

Virtual reality environments for the treatment of fear of closed spaces: finding him/ herself in a situation where the patient could fear the fact of being shut in, or places where escaping could be difficult. These environments allow the standardization and the total control over the exposure settings. (Amount of people, elevator breakdown, distance between the walls in the room, etc.

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Exam-related anxiety

This virtual environment has been designed to work on test anxiety in high school years.

High School Environment that simulates a high school and allows to work on three key moments: Waiting before the exam, entering the classroom and doing the exam. It was made especially for teenagers with ages between 14 and 17, but can also simulate college and university exams.

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Generalized anxiety

Two virtual environments especially designed for GAD: Home and subway. There are five options of scenarios at these two locations, and all five environments have been designed to develop anxiety reactions in the patient.

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Glossophobia (Fear of public speaking)

These environments allow you to choose the amount of people, the different audience attitudes or even incorporate distractors during the exposure.

The client can choose from four scenarios with their therapist; an audience at a conference, an auditorium, a meeting at the office and a broadcast conference. In each one, the tone of the audience and amount of distractions can be altered to make the session most effective.

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Virtual environments made to train and practice exercises on focusing attention, emotional regulation and creation of positive states.

Scenes include a conscious walk for 15 minutes in a meadow with full attention exercises, a 5 minute body scan based off a mindfulness exercise and a 22 minute spring summer journey with full attention exercises.

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Nyctophobia (Fear of darkness and storms)

This virtual reality environment has been developed especially for children, it will allow you to evaluate your patients that present fear of darkness and/or storms. In this environment the patient will be able to walk around the house adjusting different variables.

This night-time virtual environment allows walking around a house with 5 rooms with different levels of darkness that have been adjusted previously. Weather conditions are also adjustable. With the cotherapist activated, the environment will introduce ‘Psicobot’, a friendly and virtual assistant designed for the intervention with children.

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

In treating obsessive-compulsive disorders this module offers different variables of OCD such as physical aggression, hygiene, jumping from heights, and OCD of reckless actions, among others. The treatment for OCD can help with:
Physical aggression – In this environment, some avatars (“people”) will be having a conversation close to the patient, which may trigger the thoughts of aggression.

Hygiene – This environment can be used to expose the patient to a dirty place. The patient can stop in the middle of the hallway and you may ask him to look and touch.

Impulse or urge to jump from heights – This environment is ideal to expose the patient to a situation that triggers obsessive thoughts of jumping or pushing someone from the top of a building. Reckless/lethal driving OCD – These environments are useful for the training of the control over the dangerous compulsions patients can commit when driving with this type of OCD.

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By applying the technique of desensitization and reprocessing by eye movements (EMDS) by choosing bilateral auditory, visual or kinesthetic stimulation, this treatment can mitigate the negative effects of traumatic events.

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Videos and virtual environments that move the patient to a calm and peaceful place. There, he/she will be able to feel serenity by being under the sea, on an island, on a meadow, etc. and at the same time practice different relaxation exercises.

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Social Anxiety

Exposure to situations that require interaction with a group of people, involving a variety of scenarios such as being evaluated and judged by others.

For example, sitting in a group in a bar scene. In this environment, the patient is sitting down at a table in a bar with other colleagues and they are having an informal conversation.

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A program to manage stress and anxiety via virtual environments that seek to interpret what stress is and the understanding of it as a natural physiological response of the organism, not a disease.

Exercises like muscle relaxation, managing stress, respiratory control and how stress affects us is all covered in these scenes

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Trypanophobia (Fear of needles)

Treating the phobia of needles and blood, as well as the fear of going to a hospital environment through virtual scenes in a waiting room or while a nurse draws blood.

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Zoophobia (Fear of animals)

360º videos, virtual environments and augmented reality for the treatment of the most common phobias of animals: pigeons, dogs, insects, and cats. Especially useful for its high control over exposure parameters.

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Registered Address: Ribblesdale House, 14 Ribblesdale Place, Preston PR1 3NA 

©2024 by Flourish Therapy Clinic. Company number: 14374958

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