Flourish only provides research-based therapies, and works in accordance with the NICE guidelines, as well as Lancashire County Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board guidelines. We welcome referrals from GP’s, Commissioners and Social Services, as well as self-referrals on a private basis.
The outcomes of the work we do have proven the success of our service, and client feedback shows a high level of satisfaction with our clinicians and care.
Nurturing Wholeness
Welcome to Flourish Therapy Clinic!
At Flourish, we offer early intervention, research based, whole person, tailored, needs led therapy and interventions for Mental Health, Eating Disorders, Weight Management and Wellbeing.
We are one of the few specialist Virtual Reality therapy providers in the UK.
Flourish only provides research-based therapies, and works in accordance with the NICE guidelines, as well as Lancashire County Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board guidelines. We welcome referrals from GP’s, Commissioners and Social Services, as well as self-referrals on a private basis.
The outcomes of the work we do have proven the success of our service, and client feedback shows a high level of satisfaction with our clinicians and care.
Quality Therapeutic Care
Flourish took part in a Real World Validation Study sponsored by NHS Health Innovation Agency and carried out by independent clinical research assessors from the University of Central Lancashire. They assessed the effectiveness of our programme for young people with Anorexia Nervosa, which combines traditional therapy and dietetics with support via the clinically designed Recovery Record app. In anonymous client responses to the researchers, 100% said they would recommend the service to a friend, and rated it between 7 and 10 overall, with 50% awarding 10/10. All clients agreed their treatment was personalised and that the clinical advice and support given helped their recovery.
Early Intervention
Research shows that for the best outcomes, early intervention is key in mental health, and especially in eating disorders. It means higher likelihood of full recovery in a shorter time for the individual, and consequently less strain on clinical and mental health services. Early referral can keep patients out of hospital, saving beds for others, or prevent relapse in the case of those already in treatment. However, NHS waiting lists are long and have increasingly strict criteria, meaning that many sufferers are not only far advanced but well-entrenched in their illness by the time they are seen, and more difficult and costly to treat. Flourish has no waiting lists and can book an Assessment within a fortnight of a referral being made, with treatment being arranged within a further fortnight. We can take clients at any stage of their illness and have a high rate of success with early intervention.
Co-morbidities / Complex Presentations
There is high rate of co-morbidities in mental health, and the need for multi-disciplinary models to provide these with optimal outcomes. Flourish offers a multidisciplinary approach specialising in individualised and holistic care for complex presentations. Our pathways are not rigid and we can treat people for eating disorder and various mental health conditions simultaneously, in a single care package managed by a coordinated MDT.
We always seek to work in partnership with professionals such as GPs, Social Workers or others involved in the client’s care. Medical responsibility remains with the doctor(s) but in cases such as eating disorder, our highly specialist dietitians will make recommendations as appropriate. With the consent of the client we provide Care Reports and offer regular meetings (usually a phone call) to facilitate communication with any healthcare professionals involved.
Patient needs will frequently change during the course of their recovery. We regularly review their progress and goals (6 weekly) update their Care plan, and implement any appropriate modifications to their treatment package with immediate effect. Risk Assessment is always part of this Care Review.
Specialisation to Minimize Risk
Eating Disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental health condition. Unfortunately the number of people with E.Ds has increased steeply and seems to be continuing on an upward trend. However, not many medics are trained in this very complex area. At Flourish we offer a team of clinicians with long experience of treating eating disorders as well as obesity and mental health. Our MDT can address both the psychological and behavioural aspects, as well as offering the services of Highly Specialist Dietitians trained in this area. In the cases of younger clients, we are accustomed to working with a Family-Based model, and able to coach parents on how to help the sufferer so that they can become an informed, active and key part of the recovery team.
Our specialists will always seek to work with other professionals and keep communications strong so that with all involved in the individual’s care well informed, we can seamlessly meet the needs and minimize risks for all those we treat.
Professional Training
Flourish can provide specialist training or information sessions for GPs and other professionals, on topics such as recognising and treating eating disorder. We also provide workshops on Body Image and self-esteem to young people in schools, youth-groups etc. We are happy to come to your practice or workplace by arrangement and offer our support. Please get in touch for further details.
Long Term Recovery
At Flourish we do not just treat symptoms, which leaves a higher likelihood of relapse, but always seek to help the client understand the root causes of their difficulties. Our therapists will work with them to identify predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors. We can provide EMDR and psychotherapy to help with underlying trauma, CBT to address emotional/behavioural patterns, Clinical hypnotherapy and NLP to help modify core-beliefs, behaviours, and improve self-esteem, as well as specialist Eating Disorder Coaching (see What we Offer for further details).
We will then work on teaching new skills to help clients maintain their recovery, increase resilience, and advise on relapse-prevention, so that on discharge, they are equipped going forward to avoid a recurrence of their problem and the need for further intervention. (In some cases, it is helpful when facing particularly difficult episodes in their lives, for clients to return for some sessions to consolidate their recovery mindset, and we are always happy to offer this as needed).
We work hard to establish trusting relationships with clients, their medical professionals, and where relevant families or carers, offering a collaborative approach which enables ongoing support at a primary level in daily life both during treatment and after discharge. In this way we are able to improve their quality of life, and in many cases, help them achieve full and long-term recovery.
Why Flourish Therapy Clinic is a good option for GPs
Reducing the prevalence of eating disorders and common psychological disorders is a major public health concern. The cost of eating disorders to UK healthcare sector was estimated in 2020 at 1.7 billion pounds. We understand GP’s concerns regarding eating disorders and complex mental health, as treatment is costly in time and is demanding on resources.
Waiting lists are currently growing, alongside admissions and when a patient presents themselves with deteriorating symptoms, GPs often have no alternative but to refer them to one of these. Once in in-patient units or receiving CBT, these often prove unsuccessful in treatment as they focus primarily on weight gain and current behaviours and are unable to properly address the deep rooted psychological issues.
As a result, many patients are left feeling trapped in a continuous cycle of entering admission, gaining weight to a satisfactory level suitable for discharge and then losing the weight once out, whilst often not resolving the underlying cause. By relying on in-patient units the underlying causes are not resolved and treatment is recurrent and costly to the economy, particularly the NHS.
In line with NICE Guidelines, Flourish believes that a system of detecting early intervention, risk management and collaborative care to ensure the best quality of life for all individuals can be achieved. Referring patients to us for early intervention or relapse prevention is cost-effective for the NHS in terms of results, and beneficial for the sufferers who have a higher likelihood of full recovery.
Registered Address: Ribblesdale House, 14 Ribblesdale Place, Preston PR1 3NA
©2024 by Flourish Therapy Clinic. Company number: 14374958