Eating Disorder Coaching
Eating Disorder coaching enables the client to explore and overcome their difficulties in relation to eating disorder, with an expert coach ‘coming alongside’ them, guiding them and helping them find motivation along the recovery journey. An ED coach will help you understand yourself and the reason for your eating disorder better and replace maladaptive harmful thought and behaviours with more beneficial coping techniques and positive approaches to your own life and wellbeing.
What to Expect
Coaching involves psycho-education – learning more about the causes and effects of eating disorder on your body and brain, alongside emotional and cognitive work on unhelpful thinking patterns. We will explore how the E.D is useful to you, and help you build your own strategies, motivation, skills, resilience and resources to empower you to live your life without it.
Family Support / Communication
Family-based therapy sessions are offered to parents or family members of clients, when it is felt these would be helpful. These can be used to learn about what the struggling person is going through and how to provide real support for them. They also provide an opportunity to process the difficult experiences and emotions the family may be going through in connection with the client’s illness. Communication sessions can help with sharing difficulties between family members and building more positive relationships. At Flourish, we utilise the Maudsley FBT model, which involves active participation by parents in the recovery process when a young person has an eating disorder.
What to Expect
Family sessions differ according to the needs of the family. They may be parent only, involve everyone together, or different family groups at different times. Your therapist will be there to listen to and give expert answers to your questions, help the family build their own resilience and facilitate good communication and supportive relationships during a difficult time. Family involvement can make a very positive difference both in the recovery of the suffering individual, and in the experience of those close to them.
A specialist Dietician will work with you to develop a meal plan that supports your nutritional health, tailored to fit your tastes, lifestyle and resources. They will explain the way your body and brain function and changing nutritional needs and responses. They will assist you in making choices you can enjoy, and offer guidance on how to support you or your family with food preparation, and challenges. Your health is a priority and the dietitian may request prescriptions for supplements if needed. The goal is to ensure you get the nourishment that supports your recovery, and help you develop a happy and healthy relationship with food and your own body.
What to Expect
We will discuss in detail your eating habits, lifestyle and health concerns. Together we’ll develop an individualized plan empowering you to take charge of your nutrition and overall well-being! I will explain all recommendations, the changes your body goes through, and help you overcome unhealthy mindsets and listen to your body so you can eat intuitively and flexibly. Wide-ranging resources make our sessions engaging and enjoyable!
Supported Eating
When managing to eat a meal feels like a terrible challenge, supported eating sessions allow you to face and succeed in this with your therapist accompanying you. A food plan will be agreed, according to where you are in your recovery as well as your nutritional needs. Your therapist will eat with you, in a therapeutic space, helping you learn coping techniques as you go. It can be a vital step to getting back on track with being able to eat again, and a welcome relief both for the person involved and their family members, to have this support at a particularly difficult moment of the day.
What to Expect
A simple food plan will be discussed with your therapist in advance, and you will bring the items with you. Together you will sit down to eat in a private space, whilst they help enable you to eat without fear or embarrassment, and learn to find this experience more manageable going forwards.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CBT is a goal-oriented form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people identify and change unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours. It is rooted in the understanding that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are interconnected, so that by challenging and altering negative thought patterns, you can improve your emotional well-being, and learn better behavioural responses to improve your quality of life.
CBT-e is a type of CBT oriented specifically towards helping people with eating disorder and is offered by some of our specialist dietitians and therapists.
What to Expect
We will start with an assessment of your concerns, relevant history, and what you hope to achieve through therapy. Together we will set specific goals for treatment. During our sessions you'll learn to recognize and understand your thought patterns, especially those contributing to emotional distress or problematic behaviours. You'll work with your therapist to examine and reframe them, developing more balanced, rational, and constructive perspectives. We may also work towards specific behavioural goals such as gradually facing fears or learning desired new habits.
Psychotherapy is a collaborative process whereby you talk through your problems with a trained professional, and work to understand why you are struggling, resolve inner conflicts, improve emotional wellbeing and learn skills to cope better going forward. There are many different types of talking therapy available and different approaches and methods used, and sometimes blended, depending on the needs, goals, and personality of the individual, as well as the therapist’s specialisations. Examples include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Transactional Analysis.
What to Expect
A key aspect to start with is building a relationship of trust with your therapist, and sharing the difficulties you need help with. Then you will decide on your goals and work on them together using techniques appropriate to your particular challenges.
Eye-Movement Desensitising and Reprocessing (E.M.D.R)
EMDR is a form of psychotherapy used to help people process unaddressed trauma in a healthy way, guided by a clinical practitioner, so that they can be freed from its ongoing impact on emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing and functioning. It involves briefly confronting triggering memories whilst experiencing bilateral stimulation (similar to the experience of dreaming). The memories become less immediate and painful, so they no longer overwhelm you in the present.
What to Expect
EMDR is carefully structured: we will go through a history of the traumatic area at a pace you are comfortable with, consider its current impact and plan treatment and goals together. Preparation involves gradual engagement with bilateral simulation, and creating an internal ‘Safe space’ where you can go at will to feel secure and at peace. We will then focus on the painful memories with the stimulation, and review how these make you feel. In their place we work at installing more positive cognitions chosen by you.
In a state of intense concentration or focused attention the mind is more open to a wider range of perceptual possibilities and considerations than when in a fully wakened state. Hypnotherapy can clear mental and emotional pathways for deeper processing, or acknowledgement and acceptance. Hypnotherapy also enables a deep relaxation, providing respite from overwhelming feelings and assisting healing.
What to Expect
We will discuss your needs in detail and decide on a treatment strategy together whilst building a relationship of trust. During hypnotherapy, you will be made comfortable and guided into a state of deep relaxation, maintaining control of your own mind at all times. In this state, visualization and psychotherapeutic suggestion can be used to help you address the issues and goals agreed upon. On returning to your ‘normal’ level of consciousness you will feel pleasantly relaxed and completely re-orientated.
N.B. Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy are often practised together, as they have been shown to work particularly effectively this way, so you may be offered Hypnotherapy/NLP sessions as a conjoined therapy. In this case the balance of each type of work will be decided by you and your clinician together.
Registered Address: Ribblesdale House, 14 Ribblesdale Place, Preston PR1 3NA
©2024 by Flourish Therapy Clinic. Company number: 14374958